Reference apparatus of the state archive. Structure of the nsa system

1. The system of scientific help desk

1.1 Scientific reference apparatus, its concept and composition

The Scientific Reference Apparatus System (SNSA) for archive documents is a complex of interrelated and complementary archival reference books on the composition and content of archival documents created on a single methodological basis for searching archival documents and archival information for effective use.

The NSA system includes archival directories (archival inventories, a list of funds, catalogs, guides, indexes, document reviews) and mechanized and automated information retrieval systems (AIPS).

Archival directories, mechanized and automated information systems are subdivided into inter-archive, general archive, inter-fund and per-fund.

Inter-archival directories, mechanized and automated information systems provide a search for documents based on the materials of a group of state archives (country as a whole, region, republic, territory, region); general archival directories, mechanized and automated information systems - search for documents based on the materials of a particular archive as a whole; inter-fund directories, mechanized and automated information systems - search for documents in several funds of one archive; fund directories - search for documents on the materials of a particular fund.

Archival directories are created on the basis of the description of archival documents, that is, on the basis of the creation of secondary information about the composition, content and addresses (search data) of documents and funds by means of analytical and synthetic processing of primary documentary information. Depending on what type of directory (inventory, catalog, guide, index, overview, etc.) is created, a description of the document (part of the document), group of documents, case, group of cases, fund (part of the fund), group of funds, funds is carried out archive, funds of a group of archives.

The preparation of archival reference books for publication, the development of mechanized and automated information systems, as well as the scientific development of large archival funds, culminating in the creation of reference books and a scientific report, are subject to state registration.

When creating and developing a system of scientific reference apparatus, a differentiated approach is used, which consists in choosing a certain methodology for compiling and improving reference books, determining the appropriate composition and content of the reference apparatus for them, establishing the order of work depending on the category of the fund, the category of its separate part, the nature of its documents, the state and composition of the existing scientific and reference apparatus to the fund.

A scientific reference apparatus is compiled for the funds of the first category, which ensures the versatile use of documents in combination with the speed, completeness and accuracy of a multifaceted search. Inventories of such funds should have prefaces and various indexes; materials of the collections are subject to priority cataloging, while the main method of description is document-by-document; in the guidebook, an individual characteristic is compiled for them.

For funds of the second category, in addition to the preface, a deaf index to the inventory (subject or its variety - geographical or special subject) can be compiled; the main method of description in cataloging will be single; in the guidebook, information about them can be included in the group description.

For funds of the third category, the information of which has the character of a partial supplement in relation to the funds of the first and second categories, a minimum reference apparatus can be compiled. Inventories of such funds may not contain indexes; during cataloging, one reference card can be drawn up for a fund, a group of funds; in the guide, information about such funds may be included in the list of non-annotated funds.

The succession of the accounting and reference apparatus created in the office work of institutions and NSA of departmental and state archives is based on the unity of the requirements and principles for constructing a system of scientific reference apparatus. Continuity implies the obligation to compile in the office work of institutions and departmental archives of inventories of cases with the necessary scientific and reference apparatus for them.

Approved by the Central Expert and Verification Commission - the Expert Verification Commission (CEPC - EPC) of archival institutions of the inventory of cases permanent storage the state archive stores as control copies until the documents are transferred to the state storage, after which the inventories become part of the scientific reference apparatus system state archive.

Various types of filing cabinets and catalogs, departmental archives can be accepted into the state archives for use as part of the NSA system.

To determine ways to improve the system of scientific reference apparatus of the archive, it is necessary to analyze and take into account the state of all available directories, which is maintained in a file cabinet (journal) to record the state of the NSA.

2. Elements of the scientific reference apparatus system

2.1 Archival inventories of cases, documents

An archival inventory is an archival directory designed to disclose the composition and content of cases, to consolidate their systematization within the fund and to record cases. Inventories are compiled in the records management of institutions and in departmental archives. In the state archives, inventories are compiled for undescribed documents received and in the process of processing low-quality inventories.

The state archive must have three copies of the inventories: one control and two working ones. The control copy is located in the department of the archive, which carries out a centralized accounting of documents, and the working copies are in the respective storages, in the reading room. Inventories are stored in the order of fund numbers, and within the fund - by inventory numbers.

The description process consists of:

descriptions of cases (each unit of storage) on cards;

systematization of cards in accordance with the scheme, their editing;

· Formulation of the description.

The description of the cases includes drawing up the heading of the case, establishing the name of the structural part, the record number (index), the deadlines for the documents of the case, the number of sheets in the case and the archival code of the case. All this information is entered on the card. Each card receives a serial number, which is drawn in pencil on the cover of the case and is its temporary working number until the final systematization of cases in the inventory and fund. After the systematization is completed, all information from the cards is transferred to the inventory and to the covers of cases.

The title should briefly summarize the main content and composition of the case documents. When compiling headings, depending on the content of the cases, a differentiated approach is carried out.

The main requirements for the methodology for compiling (clarifying) the title:

· the facts and events reflected in the documents are revealed from the Marxist-Leninist positions; it is not allowed to transfer from the text of documents to the title of the case class-alien formulations, concepts, terms;

The text of the heading should generally and clearly reflect the semantic content of the case documents; listing the names of individual documents in the title is not allowed;

It is not allowed to use non-specific, non-disclosing wordings in the title (“various correspondence”, “general correspondence”, “papers for management”, etc.);

Pre-revolutionary titles, ranks, ranks, positions are indicated by words that define these concepts (emperor, governor, etc.), with the exception of words that are an expression of special veneration (majesty, highness, excellency, etc.).

The case header includes the following elements:

the name of the type of case (storage unit) or type (type) of documents;

name of the institution, position or surname and initials of the person who prepared the documents (author);

the name of the institution, position or surname and initials of the person to whom the documents are addressed or from whom the documents are received (addressee, correspondent);

the question or subject, event, fact, name, etc., to which the content of the case documents relates;

the name of the locality (territory) with which the content of the documents of the case is related, the author, addressee or correspondent of the documents;

the dates to which the documents of the case or the events set forth in them refer.

Type of storage unit (case, correspondence, materials, magazine, book, etc.) or type (type) of documents (minutes, reports, circulars, orders, reports, acts, etc.) characterizing the composition of the case are indicated at the beginning of the heading . If a storage unit consists of documents of various types, related by the unity of content and the sequence of office work on one specific issue (case), the concept of “Case” is used when compiling the heading.

The correspondent is indicated after the designation of the type of case (documents) in the form of the official name of the institution or the surname, position, rank, profession of an individual.

If the storage unit is a "correspondence", only the names of the correspondents are indicated in the title, and the name of the fund-creating institution, as a rule, is not given.

The statement of the question (subject), reflecting the content of the documents, is the main part of the heading and is given after indicating the type of case, the author, the correspondent (addressee) of the documents.

The name of the locality is included in the heading of the case if it is necessary to indicate the place of events or the location of the authors (addressees, correspondents) of documents.

Retrospective documentary information contained in the funds of the State Treasury Institution of the Rostov Region "State Archive of the Rostov Region" GKU RO "GARO" 1 (hereinafter - the state archive) can be effectively used for political, economic and socio-cultural purposes only with the help of a specially created system of scientific and help desk (NSA). The NSA system of the state archive is a complex of interrelated accounting documents, archival directories, information documents created to ensure the safety and search of archival documents and documentary information.

The composition of the NSA system of the state archive is determined by the composition and content of the documents stored in it, the nature and tasks of the search, the intensity of the use of documentary information. The NSA system contains information at the levels: fund - case - document.

All archival reference books and information documents are divided into inter-archival, inter-fund and intra-fund (intra-species).

A review of the scientific and reference apparatus for the documents of the state archive of the Rostov region was compiled in order to increase efficiency in information work archive, expanding the possibilities of organizing initiative information, ensuring the completeness of the use of the NSA system as a whole and the use of each directory and white paper by appointment.

The review gives a description of the elements of the NSA system that perform an information retrieval function: archival reference books and information documents; their purpose, composition, structure, sources of replenishment are disclosed, the connection with other reference books is shown, the procedure for using reference books is outlined.

The review is accompanied by a List of archival directories and information documents indicating their location. As the preparation and creation of one copy of the new directories is transferred for permanent storage and use in the work of the SIF GARO, information documents (articles, lectures, reports, references, information) - to the archive fund. Information about them is entered in the relevant sections of the working copies of the List (reading room, information department).

If the information document does not indicate the name of the region, it should be understood that Rostov region is meant. The name of other regions (Krasnodar, Stavropol, North Caucasus Territories, etc. must be indicated).

In information documents, 2 dates are indicated: the 1st indicates the date of the event or a chronological period, the 2nd - the date the information document was compiled.

The review of the NSA is intended for employees of archival institutions and users of the reading room.


Archival directories provide a search for documents stored in the archive and inform about their composition and content for the purpose of comprehensive use. Inter-fund and intra-fund archival directories are created in the state archive.


1.1. Guide "The State Archive of the Rostov Region" (Rostizdat, 1961), contains information about the complex of funds stored in the state archive of the Rostov region and its branches in the cities. Novocherkassk, Taganrog and Shakhty 2 as of the year of publication of each of the reference books.

The guide consists of three sections: funds of the pre-revolutionary period, funds of the period of the counter-revolution on the Don, funds of the Soviet period.

Information about the activities of the predecessors of the fund-creators of the Soviet period can in some cases be found in the funds of the pre-Soviet period.

The guide is built according to the production-industry principle. Within industry groups, funds are grouped according to the similarity of institutions, organizations and enterprises, on the basis of departmental subordination, and according to the scale of activity of the fund creator. The characteristics of funds of personal origin are highlighted in an independent section.

The main part of the guide contains characteristics of the funds whose documents can be widely used for political, economic and socio-cultural purposes. Funds that are insignificant in volume or have a reference value are included in the list of funds that are not included in the main part of the guide, which is given in the appendix to the guide. The principle of arrangement of funds in the list is the same as in the main part of the guide. The appendix to the guidebook also contains information on the composition of the SIF funds, information on changes in the administrative-territorial division of the region from the 18th century to 1960. and a map of changes in administrative boundaries on the territory of the Lower Don and the North Caucasus.

The guide is also provided with an index of names mentioned in the descriptions of the funds.

The construction of the main part of the guide gives a clear idea of ​​the composition of the funds of the State Archives and its branches as a whole, reflects the relationship of fund creators. The construction scheme of the guide is an additional source of information about the documents of funds, helps to understand the place of each organization in the system of the state apparatus.

The characteristics of the funds, given in the guide, consist of the name of the fund, reference data about it (number, number of cases, deadlines), a brief historical note about the founder, annotations of the fund's documents. If the name of the fund creator has changed, then the name of the fund in the guidebook is given according to the last name of the fund creator (within the period for which the documents are kept). All previous renamings are given in the historical reference. The name of the fund consists of the full and in parentheses the officially accepted abbreviated name of the fund creator, its subordination, the last dates of existence within the chronological framework of the documents indicated by the reference data. The absence of documents for certain periods is reflected in the reference data (1937-1939, 1943-1956). If a significant part of the fund is documents on personnel, when specifying the volume of the fund, a special reservation is made. For example, 3152 files (including 1445 personal files). In funds of personal origin, there are documents that were formed before the birth of the founder and deposited after his death (documents about him, about anniversaries, about the opening of the monument to the founder).

The letter "P" is added to the numbers of the funds of the Soviet period.

The funds kept in the Taganrog branch are marked with one asterisk (x), in the Shakhtinsk branch - with two (xx), in the Novocherkassk branch - with three (xxx).

Reference data about the fund are necessary for persons using the guide: fund number - when requesting the NSA to the fund and fund documents; the volume of the fund reflects the degree of its safety; the extreme dates show the chronological period covered by the documents of the fund. Comparison of the last dates of the documents with the last dates of the existence of the founder, given in the historical information, also makes it possible to judge the degree of preservation of the fund, the presence in the fund of documents of the predecessor of the founder.

Two supplements to the Guide, published in 1971 and 1975. as Brief reference books on funds (1.2. and 1.3.), contain generalized information about the funds accepted for storage after the publication of the guide, and about additional income from the funds included in the guide. Brief reference books include prefaces containing group characteristics of funds, information about the composition of photographic documents and a scientific reference library.

The structure of the directories is similar to the structure of the section of funds of the Soviet period of the guidebook. The characteristics of the funds include the full and abbreviated name of the organization - the fund creator, its subordination, fund number, volume, deadlines for documents and deadlines for the activities of the fund creator, if the dates do not match.

The guide and supplements to it are replicated, available in the Reference and Information Fund (CIF) of the state archive and in the reading room.

An electronic version of the guide is currently being prepared, taking into account fund receipts for the last period.

1.4. Index of archive funds is also an inter-fund guide. The main purpose of the index of archive collections is to provide a quick and efficient search for the required collections. In conditions when the demand for retrospective information stored in the archive is constantly growing, the Guide and Brief Guides to the Funds do not satisfy all search requirements. The index of the archive funds promptly reflects all changes in the composition and volume of the funds. This is its advantage over published reference books.

The fund index provides information retrieval at the fund level.

The scheme for constructing an index is similar to that of a guidebook. The index includes all funds of the state archive. The card gives the name of the fund, the renaming of the founder and its subordination, the deadlines for existence, the volume of the fund, the deadlines for documents, the fund number. Cards with information about retired funds are allocated in an independent section, their location is indicated.

The card index of the archive funds is maintained in the state archive in 3 copies. and is stored: in the reading room, in the information department and in the department for ensuring the preservation and state registration of documents.


The catalog system of the state archive is a collection of catalogs of different purposes and structure, mutually related and complementary, and therefore allows for a multifaceted search for documentary information.

The catalog system of the state archive includes:

2.1 catalogs for documents on paper basis:

2.1.1 systematic: pre-Soviet period Soviet period pre-Soviet period in the history of state institutions named directory

2.2 catalogs for photographic documents:

2.2.1 Systematic Soviet period

2.2.2 subject-thematic Soviet period

2.2.3 thematic pre-Soviet period

2.2.4. named directory.

Necessary condition effective work catalog systems is to establish links between them - the organization of the interaction of elements of the system, which is carried out, as a rule, with the help of reference cards and various pointers. All catalogs included in the system are primarily associated with the systematic catalog. catalog for paper-based documents (pre-Soviet period) is created on the basis of the Scheme for a unified classification of documentary information in the systematic catalogs of state archives Russian Federation(XVIII - early XX centuries). M., 1978, 1983, (EKDI). Systematic catalog for documents on paper basis (Soviet period) created since 1964. Initially, it was created on the basis of the Scheme for a Unified Classification of Documentary Materials of the State Archival Fund of the USSR (Soviet period). M., 1962, with subsequent changes and additions to it. Since 1980 was transferred to the Unified Classification of Document Information Scheme (ECDI) in the systematic catalogs of the state archives of the USSR (Soviet period). M., 1978 SEC serves not only as a guide in the systematization of cards in the catalog, but also simultaneously performs the functions of a scientific reference apparatus, facilitates the use of the catalog, orients in the presence of documents of a certain content, and contributes to their faster finding.

The systematic catalog contains information at different levels of generalization about the entire documentary complex of the archive (including at the level of a reference card to other catalogs and directories of the NSA archive system). Due to such a complex nature of the content and the logical structure of the construction, the systematic catalog is able to provide information on the whole in the fields of knowledge and the activities of society, to reproduce the links between events and phenomena recorded in the documents. All this determines its central position in the archive catalog system.

The catalog contains complete information on all funds of categories 1 and 2; by funds of the 3rd category of organs state power, institutions and organizations of agriculture, public education and other industries.

The catalog also contains information from the printed sources of the SIF GARO (newspapers, magazines, collections, legislative acts). A significant number of such cards are available in sections B - "State structure" and I2 - " Trade unions". Cards containing information on the history of the Don, identified from the documents of the central state archives (TsGA Moscow and TsGANKh), are concentrated in a separate box, systematized in accordance with the SEC.

The catalog consists of 5 departments, each of which is divided into sub-departments and sections (mainly by industry). Sections are arranged in a logical sequence and have their own internal division: subsections, topics, subtopics, questions. In the catalog, at a certain level of classification, a formal sign of systematization of cards is used: chronological, alphabetical or geographical (the last of which is chronological). To consolidate the structure and a number of specific concepts, an alphanumeric system of indices is used.

In order to facilitate the use of the catalog, departments, subdivisions and subsequent divisions are separated from each other by separator cards. For each division, a card is used - a separator of a certain color, size and shape. The separators indicate the index and the name of the corresponding division (departments, subdivisions, sections). On the separators for cards, the content of the concepts of which was not reflected in the SEC, only the name of the topic and question is indicated (without an index).

Each box of the catalog contains the first and last indexes and names of the divisions included in it.

The relationship between the divisions of the catalog is carried out by a system of references.

The separators below the main index and its name indicate the reference index, which also contains information on this issue. A reference card is placed behind the separator, the content of which indicates the question or question and search data, indicating the index where such information can be located.

The degree of completeness of inclusion in the catalog of information can be determined by the book and record card of the state archive funds that have passed cataloging. According to the card index, systematized in the order of fund numbers, the very fact of the thematic development of the fund is determined (on the card are given: number, name, deadlines of the fund documents; serial number and registration page according to the book of records). According to the book of accounting for funds that have passed cataloging, the following is established: the number of cases subjected to cataloging, the development methodology (single, document-by-document), the number of cards compiled, the degree of completion of the work (cards are poured into the catalog or not). The certificate of cataloging the fund is placed in the file of the fund.

The catalog contains more than 300 thousand thematic cards. The source of replenishment of the catalog are cards compiled in the course of targeted thematic development, scientific and technical processing of funds, thematic identification, and other types of work with documents.

2.1.2 Catalog on the history of state institutions is created mainly on the basis of cards selected from the systematic catalog in the course of its improvement. It also includes information on the history of institutions whose documents are stored in the state archive. Information is taken from the sheets of funds. The catalog reflects information about the creation, liquidation, reorganization, renaming of institutions, organizations and enterprises, changes in the structure and subordination.

The catalog scheme is based on EKDI.

2.1.3 B nominal directory includes cards with information about the life and work of revolutionaries, prominent scientists, writers, composers and many other prominent figures in the pre-revolutionary and Soviet periods.

The sources of its replenishment are cards drawn up at the request of institutions and as a result of thematic identification. It is also replenished by duplicating thematic cards of the systematic catalog (Soviet period). It was built alphabetically.

Information on the history of institutions is also concentrated in historical references prepared by the archive at the request of institutions. The names of institutions are included in the List of archival directories and information documents. References are stored in the GARO fund (R-137. Op. 1,5,7).

2.2 Catalogs for photographic documents:

2.2.1 Systematic of the Soviet period - built according to EKDI, subject-thematic of the Soviet period - on a geographical basis, inside - on institutions,

2.2.2 thematic Soviet period- by topics

2.2.3 subject-thematic of the Soviet period– by topic, 2.2.4.. nominal- created by duplicating thematic cards of the systematic catalog, built according to the alphabetical principle.

A feature of catalogs for photographic documents is the form of a thematic card - a view card, which is a control print from a photographic document. On the reverse side, a description of the photo document is given, in the form of a brief annotation about the events, objects, persons depicted on the photo document, the date and place of the event, the author of the shooting.


3.1 Index of inventories and documents of funds. An important step in the information search in the archives is the search for the required inventory. Indexes of inventories are compiled for funds that have many inventories with a fuzzy systematization of cases. For example, the documents of the fund of the Azovo-Chernomorsky regional land administration in the amount of about 14 thousand files were taken into account according to 10 inventories. The inventories are compiled according to the sectoral principle without taking into account the belonging of documents to a structural unit, with a violation of chronology, which complicates the search for documents. In order to improve efficiency, a consolidated index of the fund's inventories has been compiled. The index is built according to the chronological and structural principle. Names are included in the annual sections of the index structural divisions land administration in alphabetical order. Similar indexes have been compiled for other collections recorded from 10 or more inventories.

The index of inventories of the fund gives links only to the inventory (inventory section) or to the inventory and file. However, in the case when the case number is indicated, the use of the index does not exempt from referring to a specific inventory, but only concretizes the search, allowing you to outline the headings of the cases of interest for viewing.

With the help of an index to the inventories, the search for the necessary information is accelerated, there is no need to issue and view all the inventories of the fund.

Indexes to documents significantly complement inventories and catalogs, revealing the content of documents in a different aspect. They are created during the thematic development of multi-informative, widely used funds. For example, to the documents of the fund of the North Caucasian Regional Economic Council (1920-1929), the inventories of which are built in chronology, and the headings of the cases do not fully reveal the content, a subject-thematic intra-fund index was compiled, referring to the cases and sheets. Inter-fund indexes are created for documents of one sectoral group of funds. With their help, a search is carried out on a topic reflected in a set of industry documents. So, when executing requests on the history of collective farms and state farms, the index of organizations, institutions and enterprises of the agricultural system of the Don and the North Caucasus for 1920-1937, compiled according to the documents of 12 funds, can be used. The index contains all the basic information on the history and activities of the institutions of the system. The search data includes numbers of funds, inventories and files. Similar inter-fund indexes have been compiled for the documents of the groups of health and public education funds.


The inventory of cases is the main intra-fund archival reference book. It contains information and provides information retrieval at the case level.

Inventory of cases - a systematic list of headings of cases that reveal the composition and content of the fund.

All documents stored in the archive are described (more than 4200 inventories for documents of 2730 funds). The number of inventories in each fund is from 1 to 40. The quality of the inventories is also different.

The state archive is carrying out systematic work on the processing and improvement of inventories. In order to correctly determine the order of work and the methodology for disclosing the content, all funds, depending on their information value and usage are divided into three categories. At present, the state archives for all funds of categories 1 and 2 have inventories that meet all modern requirements, are equipped with the necessary scientific and reference apparatus (prefaces, indexes, translation tables, tables of contents, etc.). However, there are still quite a few funds of the 3rd category that have handwritten, on shabby paper, inventories with a large number of notes on retired cases. The archive is systematically improving the inventories of this numerous group of funds.

The revision of the inventories is carried out in cases where it is necessary to clarify the funding of documents, to separate documents by personnel into an independent inventory, when the inventory has a lot of “deaf” headings that do not reveal the content of the documents, there are additional inventories.

In the process of processing the inventories, all cases are completely reviewed, the thematic development of the fund is carried out, new headings are compiled, the systematization is specified, the cases are recoded, a translation table of case codes is compiled, which is placed at the end of the new inventory. With the help of a conversion table, if necessary, without spending a lot of time, you can transfer the old cipher of a previously used case to a new one. Most often, this has to be done when using thematic cards of the catalog, compiled before the revision of the inventories and with old ciphers. The need to translate the cipher is established by comparing the date of compilation of the thematic card or the use of the document with the date of processing the inventory.

In the process of improving the inventories, the headings are refined and edited, the missing elements of the SSA are compiled (forewords, subject-thematic, geographical and other indexes, tables of contents), which significantly increases the information content of the inventories. The choice of the index type is determined by the nature and activities of the fund creator, the composition and content of documents, and the principles of systematization of cases.

All funds undergoing processing and improvement are simultaneously subject to thematic development, which means that the search for information on the activities of the fund creator should also be carried out through catalogs. The fact of the thematic development of the fund is reflected in the 2nd part of the preface to the inventory.

From microphotocopies of documents on the history of the Don, identified in the central state archives, collections (KMF) were created, which were taken into account according to special inventories.

Intraspecific archival reference book for photographic documents are inventories of photographic documents and accounting books for inventories. The inventory reveals the content of the document, indicates the date and place of the event, where and when the document came from, the author of the survey. The content of the positives included in the photo albums is revealed with the help of internal descriptions. Photographic documents have been received by the state archive according to inventories since the beginning of the 80s after the publication of the Basic Rules for the Work of State Archives with Film and Photo Documents.


Information documents are an integral part of the NSA system: reviews (thematic and stock), indexes, lists, references, lists, reports, lectures, articles written using archive documents, historical references, collections of documents, etc. Information documents, like reference books, divided into inter-fund and intra-fund.


Reviews are reference books on the composition and content of individual complexes of archival documents interconnected by the unity of content or fund ownership, depending on the purpose of disclosing the composition and content of documents on one specific topic, regardless of whether the materials of one or several funds contain information reflecting this topic. For example, the review " Agriculture Don in the 19th century. compiled according to the documents of more than 30 funds; review "On the history of pre-revolutionary Taganrog" - according to the documents of 8 funds.

The state archive contains more than 60 thematic and stock reviews of documents from the Soviet and pre-Soviet periods. The authors of the reviews are researchers from the State Archives and branches, scientists from universities and students of the Faculty of History of the University. The characteristics of the documents in the reviews are accompanied by links with accurate search data, which makes it possible to find the described documents without resorting to other types of NSA (inventories).

The main part of the reviews is in the GARO fund (R-137), some stock reviews are included in the files of the funds. 14 reviews were published in two issues of the collection "Archives for Social Sciences", in five issues of the historical and genealogical almanac "Donskoy Archive". Some of the reviews were published in periodicals: Historical archive (AN USSR), Zh. "Don", in local lore notes, etc.

The reviews are intended for wide use by historians, local historians, propagandists, students of historical departments of universities, research workers of archival institutions.


Thematic lists of documents are compiled both at the request of institutions and at the initiative of the archive. The lists are compiled according to the documents of one or several funds. In the lists compiled for the documents of one or more collections, the titles of the documents are arranged regardless of their fund affiliation: by chronology, by question-subject or nominal features, by the significance of documents, etc.


Historical references are information on the history of a settlement, organization or event, which includes the dates of formation and dates of liquidation in the case of a certificate on the history of the organization, dates of events that occurred, information about development and activities, participation in famous events. Historical references are compiled on the basis of archival documents, to which references are made in the text of the reference, references are compiled both at the request of organizations and citizens, and at the initiative of the state archive.




CIF GARO stores and issues to users in the reading room:

  • collected works of V.I. Lenin, K. Marx, F. Engels, selected works of leaders of the CPSU; transcripts of congresses and conferences of the CPSU, congresses of the CPSU and Soviets, etc.;
  • complete collection of laws Russian Empire;
  • collection of laws, decrees, resolutions and orders of the government of the USSR, RSFSR; Vedomosti of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, RSFSR; publications on the history of Russia and the Soviet state;
  • scientific and historical periodicals;
  • encyclopedic dictionaries;
  • reference books on the administrative-territorial division of the USSR, the RSFSR, the South-East of Russia, the North Caucasian and Azov-Black Sea Territories, the Rostov Region;
  • guidebooks and reference books on the funds of the central state archives of the USSR, union and autonomous republics, state archives, territories and regions;
  • Since 2004, the GARO branch in the city of Shakhty has been transformed into the Center for the Storage of Archival Documents in the city of Shakhty as a legal entity.

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1 Topic: Features of the formation of a scientific reference apparatus for archival documents Questions: 1. The procedure for describing archival documents 2. The system of a scientific reference apparatus for archival documents Purpose: to learn the features of compiling a scientific reference apparatus for archival documents Tasks: Determine the order of description of archival documents Learn the rules for processing documents of a scientific reference apparatus reference books and features of their compilation Understand the basic rules for compiling and using the scientific reference apparatus 1. The procedure for describing archival documents Improving the system of the scientific reference apparatus (RSA) of archives, aimed at providing society with reliable retrospective documentary information, is one of the main tasks of archival work. The effectiveness of the functioning of the NSA to the documents of any archive directly depends on the results of the description of these documents. At the same time, the description of documents is understood in two ways: the process of creating secondary documentary information by analytical and synthetic processing of primary information contained in documents, and extracting necessary information from accounting and other documents of the archive in order to create information about documents for further search and multi-aspect use;

2 actually secondary documentary information about the composition and content of documents, reference data, as well as information about their physical and technical condition, access conditions, etc. The description of archive documents is carried out at three main levels in accordance with the organization of its documents: fund, storage unit, accounting unit, document. In this case, the unit of description and the object of description are the fund, storage unit, accounting unit, document. If necessary, additional description objects can be introduced: a group of funds, an inventory, a set, a group of documents, a part of a document. The main principles of a multilevel description are: correspondence of information to the level of the description unit; interrelation and complementarity of information of different levels of description; non-repeatability (non-duplication) of information in descriptions of different levels. The description has its own structure and consists of individual elements that are placed in the appropriate sections (databases) of the integrated archive information system. The data set obtained in this way is used, among other things, as an automated scientific reference apparatus, for the formation of a number of accounting documents, for the creation of guidebooks and other types of archival reference books and lists. The description elements make up the following groups: information on identification, information on the history of formation and storage, information on the composition and content, information on the conditions of access and use, additional information. Information on the identification of the unit of description includes the following elements: - name (name of the fund, the structural part of the fund creator, the title of the storage unit, accounting unit, document);

3 - reference data, consisting of search data (archive cipher), volume of the description unit, extreme dates (creation date) of documents in the description unit; - type of information carrier. Information on the history of formation and storage of the description unit contains the following elements: - information about the fund creator (history of the fund creator); - information on the history of the storage of documents before being accepted into the archive and in the archive (the history of the fund). Information about the composition and content of the description unit (abstract) includes at the fund level information about the composition and content of the documents of the fund, at the level of the storage unit, accounting unit and document, information about the content that cannot be determined by the title. Information about the conditions of access and use of the unit of description consists of the following elements: - conditions of access (confidentiality, secrecy, order of use); - copyright, conditions of reproduction and use; - language of documents; - physical characteristics affecting the usability; - availability of fund of use; - NSA to the unit of description, the order of access and use of it; - authenticity / copies, degree of preservation, reproduction method, external and other features. Additional information includes the following elements: - location of originals; - the presence and location of copies of documents, thematically and / or by origin related to this unit of description; - bibliography.

4 Description at the collection level includes the following elements: name of the collection, reference data, information on the history of formation and storage of the collection, annotation, bibliography, information on the conditions of access and use. Reference data consist of: search data (stock number); fund volume in storage units and/or accounting units by types of documentation; deadlines of documents for each type of documentation; indications of the presence of an intra-archival scientific reference apparatus. Information on the history of formation and storage of the fund (historical reference to the fund) consists of the history of the founder and the history of the fund. The history of the founder includes a description of the historical conditions for the emergence of the organization, the name of the predecessor organization, in the chronological sequence of all reorganizations, the following information: dates of creation, transformation and liquidation of the organization with reference to legislative acts or administrative documents; name of the successor organization; tasks and functions of the organization and their changes; the scale of the organization's activities, the composition of the system of subordinate organizations; the place of organization in the system of the state apparatus, economic, socio-political, cultural and other life; changes in the name and subordination of the organization; organization structure and its changes.

5 The history of a fund creator for a fund of personal origin consists of brief biographical data (last name, first name, patronymic, pseudonym, maiden name, dates of life, profession, data on official and social activities). For a family, tribal fund, similar information is given according to the degree of kinship about each of the persons sequentially. For a fund consisting of documents of several persons related to creative activity, similar information is given about each of them in alphabetical order of surnames. For the united archival fund, a general history of fund creators can be compiled. The history of the fund includes the following information: the date of the first receipt of the documents of the fund in the archive, their volume and deadlines; changes in the composition and volume of the fund and their reasons (examination of value, losses, undocumented periods); degree of safety of documents; features of the formation, description and systematization of documents, information about the presence of documents that go beyond the chronological boundaries of the fund; information on the availability of documents of the fund creator (including personnel) that are part of other funds or archives, and the places of their storage; information about the availability of documents of other organizations or persons (stock inclusions); the composition of the scientific reference apparatus to the fund. The historical reference is supplemented with further replenishment of the fund, as well as in the event of reorganization, changes in the structure, functions of the fund creator, etc. For an archival collection, information is indicated on the history of its creation, including time, conditions, reasons for creation, principles of construction,

6 as well as the location of the collection before entering the archive, its compiler is indicated. The annotation includes a brief generalized description of the composition of documents by the structure of the fund and by types of documents, the content of documents on topics, issues reflecting the activities of the fund creator, indicating the chronology of topics and designating their geographical (administrative-territorial) boundaries. The bibliography includes a list of published and unpublished reference books on the fund and documentary publications based on it. Description at the level of storage unit, accounting unit includes: o name of the fund; o the name of the structural part of the fund creator; o title; o reference data; o type of information carrier; o information about the conditions of access and use. The title can be supplemented with an annotation of individual documents or a group of documents. Storage Unit Header management documentation and documents of personal origin includes: name of the type of storage unit or type (variety) of documents; organization, position and / or surname and initials of the person to whom the documents are addressed or from whom the documents are received (addressee, correspondent); question or subject, event, fact, name to which the content of the documents of the storage unit refers; the name of the locality with which the content of the documents of the case is related, the author, addressee or correspondent of the documents;

7 dates of events. Heading elements such as "Author not established", "no date", "not earlier than ... year" are allowed. The title of a film and video document includes the author's title of the film, special issue, film magazine, or the name of the event reflected in the film or television story, and the date of production or the date of shooting. The title of the phono document includes the name of the event reflected in the phono document, the place and date of the event, the name and genre of the phono document. In the absence of a title of a phono document, the main content of a television or radio program, speeches, conversations, etc. is indicated. The title of a phono document containing a recording of a work of literature and art includes the title artwork and its genre, the first line of the text, which is enclosed in quotation marks, if the phono document is a work without an author's title and not previously published in print; initials and surnames of authors and/or performers, processing, transcription, text, translation of the work, language of the document. The title of a photographic document includes an annotation of the image or the name of the photo album, filmstrip, author's surname, place and date of shooting. The heading of a machine-readable (electronic) document includes the type of information presentation (database, text file, digitized image, etc.) and its summary, the author or compiler of the information, the date of the document. The title of a storage unit can be supplemented with an annotation of individual documents or a group of documents, the presence of which cannot be determined from the title. Annotated unique and special valuable documents, documents of predecessor organizations, documents containing information on personnel that are important for the execution of social, legal, genealogical and other requests.

8 Annotation to the heading of the storage unit of management documentation and documents of personal origin reveals the content of individual documents, groups of documents of the storage unit. When annotating film and video documents, a brief summary of individual film and video documents is given, reflecting the most significant events or their individual moments. Annotation of the photo document includes brief information about the subject, event, fact, person(s) depicted on the document. The enumeration of the persons depicted on the photographic document is carried out in the sequence of their placement from left to right, from top to bottom. If it is necessary to single out one person from the entire group or if there is information about only a few persons, their location on the document is indicated: “second from the left” or “in the center of the group”. The annotation of a phono document contains a summary of the content of a separate document and indicates: the type of voice of the performer of the vocal work; the name of the musical instrument, if the work is performed by one soloist; the name of the musical group, if the work is performed by several musicians; initials, surname and title of artistic director, conductor, etc. Reference data includes: search data (collection number, inventory number, storage unit number, inventory accounting units); deadlines of documents (date of creation of the document); for audiovisual recording documents (re-recording); volume of the unit of description: for paper-based documents, the number of sheets; for film and video audio documents (depending on the type) the number of storage units in the accounting unit, footage, running time, playing time (in minutes and seconds);

9 for photographic documents, the number of negatives constituting a storage unit; for photo albums, the number of photo prints. Type of information carrier: for management documentation and documents of personal origin, paper, tracing paper, parchment, fabric, etc.; for phono documents of a gramophone recording, the type of gramophone original, the name of the metal from which the original is made or coated (copper, nickel, etc.); for phono documents of magnetic recording type of magnetic tape; for video documents, the type of videotape; for photo and film documents, film format, color reproduction, type of base; for machine-readable (electronic) documents, diskette, disk, tape, etc. Description at the document level includes: document title: name of the document type; author; addressee / correspondent; question or subject, event, fact, name to which the content of the document refers; the name of the locality with which the content is related, the author or correspondent of the document; the dates of the events described in it; reference data (including search data fund number, inventory number, storage unit number, accounting units according to the inventory, sheet numbers; date of creation of the document); type of information carrier; information about the conditions of access and use. The title can be supplemented with an annotation that reveals the content of the document that is not reflected in the title. 2. The system of scientific and reference apparatus for archival documents

10 Scientific Reference Apparatus (RSA) is a structured set of elements of document descriptions (secondary document information) presented in various types of archival directories, databases designed to search for documents and document information. The system of scientific reference apparatus (SNSA) for archive documents is a complex of interrelated and complementary archival directories, databases on the composition and content of documents created on a single scientific and methodological basis for searching documents and documentary information for effective use. Mandatory elements of the SNSA are inventories, a guide to archive funds, catalogs, databases that perform the functions of these reference books. Additional elements of the SNSA are indexes, reviews of documents. The NSA system implements the continuity of the accounting and reference apparatus created in the office work of organizations, the NSA of the archives of organizations, municipal archives and the SNSA of state archives. The succession of the NSA archives of organizations, municipal and SNSA state archives is based on the unity of the requirements and principles of their construction. This continuity presupposes the obligatory compilation in office work and in the archives of organizations of inventories of cases, documents with the necessary reference apparatus for them. Inventories approved by the EPC of archival institutions (annual sections of inventories) are stored by the archive as control copies until the documents are transferred for permanent storage. After receipt of documents for permanent storage, the inventories become part of the SNSA archive. Various types of filing cabinets and catalogs of the archive of the organization can be accepted into the archive for use as part of the NSA system as independent elements or merge into the corresponding sections of the catalogs.

11 When creating and developing SNSA, a differentiated approach is used, which consists in choosing the appropriate composition of archival directories and databases, a certain methodology for compiling and improving descriptions, the composition and filling of the reference apparatus for directories, establishing the order of work with funds depending on their informational significance, nature their documents, the composition and condition of the available scientific and reference apparatus for them, practical needs. Documents of funds of organizations containing multilateral, intersectoral information, and funds of personal origin, containing mainly especially valuable and unique documents, are subject to priority description; inventories should be provided with indexes of various types; individual characteristics are compiled at the fund level. Reviews, indexes to cases and documents are created for the most informative funds. For funds of organizations containing information on one industry or one area of ​​activity, and funds of personal origin, which include especially valuable documents, inventories can be provided with only one index; at the level of the fund, both individual and group characteristics can be compiled. To the documents of the funds of organizations containing information on one topic or having the character of an addition to the above funds, inventories can only have title page. At the fund level, group characteristics are compiled or information about them is placed in the list of non-annotated funds. When creating and improving the NSA, separate parts of the fund that have independent inventories, depending on the informational significance of the documents, may have a different scientific reference apparatus. There is also a differentiated treatment for pooled funds

12 to the creation of the NSA, depending on the information content of the parts included in its composition. To determine ways to improve the SNSA of the archive, the analysis and accounting of the status of all available elements of the SNSA is carried out both in the traditional form (a journal for recording the state of the NSSA, a card file) and in an automated form. When taking into account the state of the SNA, the following are indicated: the number of the fund, the number of the inventory, the available types of SSA. Archival directories Archival directories are divided into types determined by their purpose: inventory, guide, catalogue, index, review. In turn, each of these types has types and varieties. Archival directories and databases on the composition and content of documents can be inter-archive, inter-fund, intra-fund. Inventory of cases, documents (Appendix 11) is an archival directory designed to disclose the composition and content of storage units, accounting units, fix their systematization within the fund and their accounting. In the archive, inventories are compiled for undescribed documents. The inventory consists of descriptive articles, a final entry, a verification sheet (Appendix 12) and a reference apparatus for the inventory. The object of description in the inventory is a storage unit, an accounting unit. The guide is an archival reference book containing information about documents and/or funds of the archive (archives) in a systematic way and intended to familiarize with their composition and content. Depending on the availability of information about the funds of one or more archives, guidebooks are divided into archival (intraarchival) and interarchival. Archival (intra-archival) guides are subdivided into: a guide to funds; thematic guide to the funds; a brief guide to the collections, a guide to the archive, a guide to the film and photo documents of the archive. Interarchive guides

13 are subdivided into: a guide to the collections of archives; thematic guide to the archives; a brief guide to the funds of archives. When preparing guidebooks, a differentiated approach is used, consisting in the selection of funds, cases and documents, information about which will be included in the directory, the selection of information, the use of various methods for presenting information about the fund, a group of funds (individual, group characteristics or inclusion of information about the fund in the list of non-annotated funds), identifying the optimal composition and degree of completeness of the reference apparatus. When preparing inter-archival reference books, in addition, the choice of archives is carried out, information about which will be included in this guide. The guide consists of descriptive articles (characteristics of funds and documents), which make up its main part, and a reference apparatus. The content of the characteristics depends on the object of description. The guidebook construction scheme is determined by its purpose (type) taking into account the composition of the funds (profile) of the archive and fixes the structure of the guide as a whole and the place of each descriptive article in it. In guidebooks and short reference books on funds (except for thematic ones), a scheme can be used according to which information about the funds of the archive (archives) is divided into three sections: about the funds of the pre-Soviet period, in the second Soviet period, in the third post-Soviet period. The subsections of the scheme are built in historical and logical sequence. Guide to the funds of the archive (archives) is a type of guide containing a systematic list of characteristics of archival funds, consisting of the name of the fund, the fund number, the volume of the fund in storage units and / or accounting units by type of documentation, the latest dates of documents for each type of documentation, historical information, annotations, bibliographies on fund. The list of features can be

14 is supplemented with a list of non-annotated funds, consisting of the names of funds and reference data about them. The object of description in the guide to the funds of the archive (archives) is the fund. The characteristics of the fund can be supplemented with information on the volume of cases by personnel, on the conditions of access and use. The thematic guide to the collections of the archive (archives) consists of a systematic list of the characteristics of the collections or parts of the collections containing documents on a specific topic (topics). Characteristics of the documents of the fund (funds), part of the fund (funds) of the thematic guide to the funds of the archive (archives) consists of the name of the fund, the fund number, the latest dates of the fund documents, the number of the inventory (s) containing documents on the topic, an indication of the presence of an intraarchival scientific reference apparatus to the fund (funds), annotations of documents and bibliography on the topic, the Characteristic can be supplemented with information on the history of the fund creator, as well as on the conditions of access and use. A short guide to the funds of the archive (archives) is a type of guide to the funds of the archive (archives), containing a systematic list of characteristics of archival funds. The brief reference may include information: about all stored funds or about a certain group of funds (new receipts, declassified and transferred to open storage, etc.). Brief reference books are divided into annotated and non-annotated. The description of the fund in the annotated short reference book on the funds of the archive (archives) consists of: the name of the fund with all the renaming of the fund creator, reference data and a brief annotation.

15 The description of a fund in an unannotated quick reference guide consists of the name of the fund and reference data. The characteristics of the fund can be supplemented with information on the volume of cases by personnel, as well as on the conditions of access and use; bibliography. The archive guide is intended for general acquaintance with the history of a particular archive, the composition and content of its documents and is a popular science publication of an essay type. The object of the description of the archive guide is the archive as a whole. The main part of the guide to the archive consists of the characteristics of the composition and content of the funds (corresponds to the organization of funds in the archive) and information about the scientific reference apparatus for archive documents. Information on the history of the archive is placed in the preface. Archives guide is a type of guide that contains a systematic list of the characteristics of archives. It may include information about archives, museums, libraries and other repositories that permanently store documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation, archival funds of individual constituent entities of the Russian Federation or its regions. The object of description in the guide to archives is an archive or other repository of documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation. The characteristics of the archive in the guide to archives consists of: the name of the archive (full and abbreviated), the address of the archive (full address data), reference data on the types of documentation, historical information and annotations. The characteristic can be supplemented with information on the conditions of access and use of documents, bibliography of the archive. The guide should have a reference apparatus, which includes: title page, content, preface, list of abbreviations, appendices, indexes. A general bibliography can be compiled for the guide.

16 For multi-volume publications, a reference apparatus is compiled both for the entire publication as a whole and for individual volumes. The catalog is an inter-fund archival reference book, in which information about the content of archive documents is grouped by subjects (topics, industries) arranged in accordance with the document information classification scheme adopted for this catalog. The collection of various directories makes up the archive directory system. When determining the composition of the catalogs of a particular archive, the following is taken into account: its level and profile, structure, composition and content, the degree of development of funds, the intensity and tasks of using documents, the availability and quality level of other types of archival directories, personnel and material and technical capabilities of the archive. Depending on the construction scheme, catalogs are divided into systematic, thematic and their varieties (catalog on the history of institutions, administrative-territorial division, etc.), subject and their varieties (nominal, geographical, object). Catalogs can be both intra-archive and inter-archive. The object of description in the catalog can be a document (a group of documents, part of a document), a storage unit, an accounting unit, an inventory, a fund (a group of funds), containing information on a specific topic (issue). In the archive, the catalog system is based on systematic and nominal catalogues. Documentary information in the systematic catalog is classified according to branches of knowledge and practical activities society and is arranged in a logical sequence. To the systematic catalog or its subsections, subject, geographical and nominal indexes can be compiled (in the absence of corresponding catalogs).

17 In the thematic catalog, documentary information on a topic is grouped into subtopics, headings and subheadings in a logical sequence. An independent thematic catalog is created if the grouping of information in it differs from the grouping of sections of the systematic catalog. In the catalog on the history of institutions, documentary information is classified by industry, then by jurisdiction, and then by types of institutions (banks, factories, societies, partnerships, administrations) in alphabetical order, inside alphabetically by their names. In the catalog on the history of administrative-territorial division, documentary information is classified alphabetically by types of administrative-territorial units, and internally by alphabetical names. In subject catalogs, documentary information is classified alphabetically by subject concepts (facts, events, geographical names) and names of persons. Further systematization is carried out in a logical or chronological sequence. In the nominal catalog, documentary information is classified alphabetically by the names of the persons mentioned in the documents or who are their authors. Further systematization is carried out in chronological or logical sequence. In the geographical catalog, documentary information is classified alphabetically by geographical and topographic objects (names of countries, republics, territories, regions, economic regions, settlements, seas, rivers, etc.). The basis of classification can also be the administrative-territorial division. Further systematization is carried out in chronological or logical sequence. One of the sources of replenishment of the catalog system can be thematic and subject-thematic card indexes, personal card indexes.

18 to the composition of the documents of the most informative and frequently used funds. Self-existing file cabinets are linked to the catalog system by referrals. The totality of work on the preparation, creation and maintenance of catalogs is called document cataloging. In the archive, it can be carried out as independent view work (thematic development) and in the process of other types of work related to the description and identification of documents (passing cataloging). When cataloging, a differentiated approach is used, which consists in: determining the order in which archival funds and their structural parts are selected; selection of cases, documents and information from them; application of appropriate techniques for describing documentary information. The composition of the descriptive article of the catalog includes: the name of the archive, index, heading, subheading, date of the event, place of the event, content, fund number, fund name, inventory numbers, storage units, accounting units, sheets, document language, reproduction method; for the card catalog, also the name of the compiler and the date of the descriptive article. To establish a connection between sections of the catalog or sections of the catalog with other archival directories, a system of references is used, which includes: full reference (from a concept without an index to a concept with an index) and partial reference (supplementing) to link two or more related concepts. In the reference cards, the columns “heading” and “subheading” are filled in in the usual manner, and in the column “contents” it is indicated: “see. also...”, indexes of the names of the corresponding subsections of the catalog or other archival directories to which the reference is given are given. Maintaining a catalog is a complex of works that ensure its functioning, which includes: scientific and methodological support of work; card indexing; organizing them by indexes and

19 headings; drawing up a reference apparatus to the catalog; catalog improvement; maintaining accounting forms of work on cataloging and using catalogs. Scientific and methodological support includes the development teaching aids for cataloging individual funds (or a group of them), working schemes for the classification of catalogs, which are periodically updated and supplemented. Indexing the choice or compilation of one or another index (indices) according to the classification scheme and its assignment to the corresponding information of the catalog card. In the subject catalog, the cards are not indexed, but arranged alphabetically. Catalog improvements include improvements to the classification scheme; verification of the content and design of the catalog; verification of descriptions (editing, combining descriptions with homogeneous information on one fund or inventory, clarifying their systematization). An index is an archival reference book, which is an alphabetical, systematic or compiled on some other basis list of names (names) of objects mentioned in archival documents, indicating their search data. The main types of indexes are: subject (its varieties are thematic, nominal, geographical), chronological. According to the grouping of concepts within the index, alphabetical, systematic and chronological indexes are distinguished. Indexes can be inter-archival, inter-fund, intra-fund, in form electronic, sheet or card, in the structure of headings deaf (subject concepts and their search data) and annotated (subject concepts are accompanied by explanations), in grouping of concepts within indexes alphabetic, systematic, chronological.

20 Indexes can be compiled to the headings of storage units (without viewing them) or to documents (with viewing of storage units). Indexes to the storage units of one fund or several inventories of one fund are compiled if the fund has a complex structure, a large number of inventories and is often used. Pointers to storage units of several funds or inventories of several funds of one archive are compiled if these are funds of organizations that are homogeneous in their functions and successively replacing each other, organizations of the same industry. The same indexes can be interarchive. Indexes to documents can be drawn up for documents of one inventory, several inventories of the fund, the whole fund, several funds of one archive or several archives. A descriptive entry of any kind of index consists of a subject concept (heading) and search data. Depending on the purpose of the index, the heading can be: simple (does not have subheadings); complex (has one subheading or definition of a concept). Search data for an index to storage units of one inventory includes: serial numbers of storage units, an index to storage units of several funds of one archive, these data are supplemented by numbers of inventories, funds. The search data of the index to the storage units of the collections of several archives are supplemented by the names of the archives. Search data for an index to documents of one fund include numbers of inventories, storage units, sheets of storage units; indexes to documents of several funds are supplemented with numbers of funds; index to documents of several archives and names of archives. The thematic index includes concepts that represent historical facts and phenomena. Headings and subheadings are given in the nominative case.

21 The subject index includes terms in alphabetical order. The general subject index includes heterogeneous concepts and, according to the structure of headings, can only be deaf. A special subject index includes homogeneous concepts (types of documents, names of authors, names of institutions and/or their structural parts, names of industries, etc.) and can be deaf or annotated. The name index includes surnames, first names, patronymics (variances, pseudonyms, nicknames, nicknames), biographical information. Double surnames are entered in the name index by the first word (without inversion). Foreign surnames are transmitted in Russian transcription, and the particles fon, va, le, de, etc. are given after the surname and initials. The name index is built alphabetically by last name. The geographical index includes the names of states, administrative-territorial units, seas, rivers, and other geographical concepts. The modern names of geographical concepts are indicated first, and their old names are given in brackets, in addition, the old names are entered in alphabetical order with reference to the new name. Geographical names, which are complex concepts, are given without inversion, according to the first word. Generalizing concepts or administrative-territorial names are entered in the index without explanation. The chronological index consists of headings that include dates of historical events, phenomena and facts, or dates of documents arranged in chronological order. The index uses a system of general (“see”) and private (“see also”) references, with the help of which a connection is established between identical concepts.

22 Indexes to archival directories can be of the same types and have the same structure, but in search data links are given to pages or sections (for directories) of the directory. The review is an archival reference book, which includes systematized information about the composition and content of individual sets of documents, supplemented by their source analysis. The review types are fund review and thematic review. Thematic review can be archival (intra-archival) and inter-archival. The object of description for a stock overview is a document (a group of documents, a part of a document), a storage unit, an accounting unit of one stock. The object of description for a thematic overview of documents of an archive (archives) is a document (a group of documents, part of a document), a storage unit, an accounting unit of one fund (part of a fund, a group of funds) of an archive (archives) on a specific topic. The fund overview includes systematized information about the composition and content of the documents of one fund. A thematic review includes systematized information about the composition and content of a part of the documents of one or a group of funds of one or more archives on a specific topic. When compiling reviews, a differentiated approach is used, which consists in choosing a fund and / or topic, the principle of grouping information in the main part of the review, using different methods for presenting information about documents (individual or group annotations), different methods for describing certain types of documents, identifying the appropriate composition and degree the completeness of the reference apparatus for the review. The review consists of a collection of annotations individual groups storage units, accounting units, documents and reference apparatus.

23 The annotation outlines the content of a group of storage units, accounting units, documents with source analysis of documents, indicates the main types of documents, their authors, chronological framework, authenticity, search data. In the fund overview, the search data consists of inventory numbers, storage units, accounting units, sheets of the storage unit; in the inter-archive and inter-fund thematic reviews, search data are supplemented by the abbreviated names of archives and collection numbers. The reference apparatus of the review includes the title page, table of contents (table of contents), preface, list of abbreviations, and indexes. A thematic review should be accompanied by a list of funds, information about which is contained in the review, and a bibliography on the topic. The preface to the review contains information on the history of the fund creator (creators) and the history of the fund (funds), the structure of the review, the composition of the reference apparatus; the preface to a thematic review on documents from one archive can be supplemented with information about the availability of documents on this topic in other archives. Structural, sectoral (functional), subject-thematic, geographical, chronological and other features can be used as the basis for constructing a review. The structural scheme is used in the review of the organization's fund with a distinct, stable structure, when the structural parts reflect the functions of the fund creator, and the content of the documents is not duplicated in several structural divisions. The names of the structural parts in such a scheme act as sections of the review. The sectoral (functional) scheme in the fund overview is used when the fund creator does not have a clearly defined functional structure or when its structure has changed frequently. In the thematic overview, the sectoral (functional) scheme is used for topics that reflect the specific activities of a particular system.

24 organizations, directions of development of certain parties government controlled, economy, science, culture, etc. Building a review according to the subject-thematic scheme provides for the arrangement of information about documents by thematic groups. The chronological scheme is used in cases where it is necessary to characterize individual periods in the activities of organizations, or to reflect the sequence of historical events that have taken place. When constructing an inter-archive thematic review, information in some cases can be systematized according to the places where documents are stored, i.e. archive alphabetically. For an overview of the fund of personal origin, a systematization scheme for the documents of the fund is used. Automated Scientific Reference Apparatus Automated SSA (ANSA) of the archive is a set of descriptions of documents placed in databases, automated means of information retrieval and presentation of search results. The automated NSA is implemented within the framework of the integrated information system of the archive and/or in the form of stand-alone databases. The information content of ANSA consists of descriptions of documents at the fund level, storage unit, accounting unit, document contained in information system, as well as files of keywords, headings. A variety of ANSA are full-text databases containing the texts of documents, their digital copies. ANSA implements all the functions of the traditional system of the scientific reference apparatus of the archive and provides, in comparison with the traditional NSA, more opportunities for the rapid and multifaceted search of archival documents, and the presentation of its results (including in remote access mode). The information basis for the creation of ANSA is the same elements of the description of the various levels as for the traditional SNSA. For

25 filling in the NSA database, the following are used: primary documentary information, main and auxiliary accounting documents, information available in archival directories of various types and types. An obligatory element of the description for all three main levels in the ANSA database is keywords, terms that characterize in a generalized and concise form the content of the object of description (fund, storage unit, accounting unit, document). Keywords are entered into the database during the description of a particular object or after its completion. A keyword can consist of a single word or a short phrase and is placed in a special keyword file. Mandatory types of keywords are: "subject" terms denoting in short form facts, events, phenomena, activities, etc., reflected in the documents of the object of description; "persons" are terms identifying the persons with which the units of description of a given level are associated. Terms can be surnames with a given name and patronymic, surnames with a given name, surnames without initials, with one or two initials, pseudonyms, nicknames, etc.; "geography" terms that are geographical or toponymic names (names of countries, republics, territories, regions, provinces, counties, volosts, settlements, seas, rivers, etc.). Other types of keywords can be created as needed. The output forms of the automated NSA are lists of funds, storage units, accounting units, documents that meet the conditions of the request made. On the basis of the information contained in the ANSA archive, the texts of reference books can be formed along with their internal reference apparatus (guides, short reference books, inventories). In the automated formation of the reference text, keyword files are used for the automated compilation of indexes to the reference book.

26 For each level of descriptions in the ANSA database, rubricators (systematic, thematic) are created to search for data, automated generation of reference texts. For the fund level, the rubricator intended for the formation of the text of the guide to archive funds is the scheme for systematizing funds in the guide. For each level of description, it is possible to use several rubricators, which allows for the simultaneous preparation of various types of reference books, the formation of lists of funds (documents) on various topics, and the saving of rubrication results. For each level of description in the NSA archive databases in without fail a set of procedures for multi-aspect information search by keywords is provided; according to the texts of the annotation, historical reference; according to the texts of the full and abbreviated names of the object of description, full and abbreviated renaming of the fund and / or fund creator; by chronological belonging of the description object (by the latest dates of the documents included in the description unit); for any combination of the above details. Presentation of search results should be made in the following forms: database, reduced in accordance with the terms of the request; text file or printout of descriptions that match the query. The reference apparatus for databases on archive documents is implemented in the form of a database (metabase) containing a description of the databases available in the archive. The metabase contains information on each autonomous database, the name of the database, a list of its details, the level (levels) of the unit (units) of description, the current volume in records and / or in megabytes, an indication of the DBMS or programming language used to create the database.

27 Literature: 1. Federal Law of October 22 FZ “On Archival Affairs in the Russian Federation” // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation Malysheva S.Yu. Fundamentals of archiving: Tutorial. Kazan, Alekseeva E.V. Archiving: a textbook for the beginning. prof. Education. M., S

Topic: The use of archival documents and the compilation of a scientific reference apparatus for them Questions: 1. The procedure for describing archival documents 2. The system of a scientific reference apparatus for archival documents 3.

Topic 6. Organization of documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation 6.1. Composition and organization of documents within the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation 6.2. Organization of documents in the archive 6.3. Organization

government agency State Archives of the Tula Region ARCHIVE-TECHNICAL AND SCIENTIFIC PROCESSING OF DOCUMENTS Head of Acquisition, Departmental Archives and Paperwork Department V.V. Zelenova

GOST 7.23 6 INFORMATION EDITIONS. STRUCTURE AND DESIGN 3 DEFINITIONS The terms used in the standard are in accordance with GOST 7.0-84 and GOST 7.60-90. 4 GENERAL PROVISIONS 4.1 Information publications according to the degree of analytical and synthetic

"Development of cataloging of documents of personal origin in TsGALI St. Petersburg (methodological base, experience, prospects)" T.N. Zvereva, head. department of scientific description of personal funds, information retrieval systems and

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary educational institution higher vocational education"Saratov State Socio-Economic

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution higher education"Altai State Institute of Culture" Faculty information resources and Design Department of Museology and Records Science

Compilation and execution of inventories of cases To ensure the acquisition of the archive in the organization for all cases of permanent, temporary (over 10 years) storage and personnel completed in office work,

GOVERNMENT OF THE TYUMEN REGION DECISION May 12, 2014 241-p Tyumen On the list and cost of works and services performed (rendered) on a paid basis by the state archives of the Tyumen region


Administration of Aleksandrovsky municipal district Perm Territory ARCHIVAL DEPARTMENT APPROVED Head of the municipal districtHead of administration of the Aleksandrovsky municipal district A.B.

GOVERNMENT OF THE TYUMEN REGION DECISION 2017 Tyumen On the list and cost of works and services performed (rendered) on a paid basis by the state archives of the Tyumen region In accordance

ADMINISTRATION OF THE KOTELNIKOVSKY MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF THE VOLGOGRAD REGION DECISION dated May 25, 2017 305 On approval of the Procedure and scheme for accounting for archival documents in the municipal archive of the administration

Numerous types of management documents(financial, settlement and monetary, primary accounting, reporting, statistical, organizational and administrative), reflecting the viability

State autonomous educational institution of secondary vocational education Sverdlovsk region NIZHNETAGIL CONSTRUCTION COLLEGE Completed by: Full name Specialty: Name System analysis

Page 1 of 12 COPY Approved by the decision of the Board of JSC "Astana Medical University" on December 53 "13", 2013 REGULATIONS INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM REGULATIONS ON THE SYSTEM OF CATALOGS AND CARDS Astana city

REGIONAL STATE INSTITUTION "STATE ARCHIVE OF THE KURSK REGION" MEMO to help the user who first started working with documents in the reading room of the State Archives of the Kursk Region

Indices Type of work and operations CLASSIFICATION LIST OF WORKS CARRIED OUT IN THE STATE ARCHIVES Direction of activity of state archives Stages of types of work and operations Under the general editorship of the candidate

FEATURES OF FORMING A BIBLIOGRAPHICAL INDEX OF WORKS OF EMPLOYEES OF THE INSTITUTE OF ORGANIC SYNTHESIS them. I. Ya. POSTOVSK URO RAS FOR 1991 2010 Zasypkina L.A. (Central Scientific Library of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences) One of the tasks carried out

“The experience of cataloging documents in the Central State Historical Archive of St. Petersburg” A.V. Tikhotskaya, Head of the Department of Information Retrieval Systems, Central State Research Institute of St. Petersburg Currently archived

Commissioned: Completed by: Director of the Scientific Library T.P. Tkachenko Page 1 of 6 Process approach REGULATIONS ON THE ELECTRONIC CATALOG Instance Checked by: First Vice-Rector L.A. Omelyanovich Approved by: rector

Service for Archives of the Yamalo-Nenets autonomous region MEMO on the selection for permanent storage of personal files of users who worked in the State Archive of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Salekhard

INSTRUCTIONS for organizing documents and filling in 686 fields "Indices of other classifications" in the ABIS "OPAC-Global" CONTENTS 1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE... 2 2 REGULATIONS... 2 3 DEFINITIONS


Preparation of guidebooks on the funds of the former party archives and state archives that store documents of the Soviet period Guidelines 1. Organization of work

April 04, 2017 105- On approval of the Rules of office work in executive bodies state authorities of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) In accordance with Article 11 federal law July 27, 2006

Library reference apparatus: catalogs and file cabinets library bibliographic lesson What is a catalog, what is it for and how can you use it to find all the information you need about a book,

Approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 15, 2009 N 477

The State Archive of the Russian Federation Electronic information and retrieval resources of the archive

APPROVED by the decision of the expert and verification commission under the Ministry of Culture of the Krasnodar Territory dated September 29, 2017 9/3 METHODOLOGICAL LETTER "Improvement and processing of inventories of cases, documents"

GOST R 51141-98. OFFICE PRODUCTION AND ARCHIVAL BUSINESS. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS State standard Russian Federation Paperwork and archiving Terms and definitions Foreword GOST R 51141-98

Interstate standard GOST 7.9-95 "System of standards for information, librarianship and publishing. Abstract and annotation. General requirements"(put into effect by a resolution of the Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization,

Municipal state institution "Kalinin inter-settlement library" Department of acquisition and processing of literature "System of catalogs and file cabinets in the library" Methodological consultation art. Kalininskaya


Approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 15, 2009 No. 477 RULES OF DOCUMENT PROCEDURE IN THE FEDERAL EXECUTIVE AUTHORITIES I. General provisions 1. These Rules establish

I APPROVE Director of the State State Archival Institution “1 Oshdarstschli Archive Stavro-L.V. Markova "Ode to the STATE STATE ARCHIVE OF STATE ARCHIVE OF THE STAVROPOL KRAI"

DECISION OF THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE AMUR MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF THE KHABAROVSK REGION 07/07/2017 717 Amursk "On approval of the Regulations on the archive of the administration of the Amur municipal district of the Khabarovsk Territory"

Instructions for working with PC "NSA" 1. Launch 1.1. Open the NSA program, for this, in the folder with the NSA program (by default: C:\Program Files\iTex\NSA), find and run the NSA.exe file (Figure 1)

To the main page Approved by the decision of the Collegium of the Russian Archive of February 6, 2002 Basic rules for the work of archives of organizations Introduction 1. General provisions 1.1. The concept of the archive of the organization 1.2. Types of archives 1.3. Main


REGULATIONS ON THE SPbGETU LIBRARY ELECTRONIC CATALOG 1. General provisions 1.1. This Regulation determines the procedure for organizing, maintaining, editing and administering the SPbGETU electronic catalog

Business rules in federal bodies executive power Approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 15, 2009 477 Rules for office work in federal bodies


GOST R 51141-98 STATE STANDARD OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Clerical work and archiving TERMS AND DEFINITIONS STATE STANDARD OF RUSSIA Moscow Foreword 1 DEVELOPED by the All-Russian Scientific Research

Approved by Decree Gosstandart of Russia of February 27, 1998 N 28 Date of introduction 01.01.99 STATE STANDARD OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION

GOST R 51141-98 Group T00 STATE STANDARD OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Clerical work and archival business Terms and definitions Records management and organization of archives. Terms and definitions OKS

ORDER OF THE GOVERNOR OF THE SVERDLOVSK REGION 04.02.2014 17-WG Ekaterinburg On approval of the Rules for office work and document flow in the Administration of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region

STATE ARCHIVE OF THE KRASNODAR REGION WORKING MEMO on organizing the transfer of thematic negative films for state storage, their accounting, description and use Compiled by: V.D. Tikhosha,

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Pl 14-2015 Thematic plan for the acquisition of the scientific library fund APPROVED Rector A.D. Plutenko 25.12.2014 Pl 14-2015 Blagoveshchensk, 2015 Compiled

Rules for the organization of storage, acquisition, accounting and use of documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation and other archival documents in state authorities, bodies local government

B3.DV.14.2. Archiving Fund of assessment tools for conducting intermediate certification of students General information 1. Department of history 2. Direction of training 44.03.05 Teacher education (profiles

87 ANNEXES (sample forms) 88 Appendix 1 to paragraphs. 2.11.5, ACT (date) APPROVED Director of irreparable damage Signature Transcription of signature documents Fund Name of fund Found in the fund

Participate in the examination of the value of documents and the selection of documents for permanent and temporary storage for transfer to the archive; - prepare documents for subsequent storage and use;

COUNCIL OF MINISTERS OF THE LUGANSK PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC DECISION dated December 14, 2016 No. 693 Lugansk On approval of the procedure for state registration of documents of the Archival Fund of the Luhansk People's Republic

State standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 51141-98 "Office work and archiving. Terms and definitions" (approved by the resolution of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of February 27, 1998 N 28) Records management and organization

1 Compilation and execution of inventories of cases on the personnel of the organization Documents on the personnel, formed in the course of the activities of organizations, are documentary evidence of seniority

APPROVED by the order of GURH "NARKH" dated 09.0.20-p (with subsequent changes)

State Committee of the Republic of Tatarstan for Archival Affairs Guidelines for the improvement and processing of case inventories Compiled by: Ch.M. Giniyatullina Leading Consultant in the Procurement Sector

Committee for Archives of the Orenburg Region state-financed organization"State Archive of the Orenburg Region" (GBU "SAOO") COMPILATION OF ARCHIVAL INVENTORIES Review of archival literature,

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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE UDMURT REPUBLIC Budget professional educational institution Udmurt Republic"Izhevsk Industrial College named after Evgeny Fedorovich Dragunov"

Municipal State Institution "Kalinin Inter-Settlement Library" Department of Acquisition and Processing of Literature " Library collections and catalogs» Issue 3 Library catalogs and card indexes Methodical

1. General Provisions. 1.1. The electronic catalog (EC) of the library is a machine-readable library catalog that works in real time, and is an integral part of the reference and search

Annotation of the work program of the discipline B1.B14 Archival science Direction of preparation 46.03.02 Document science and archival science, [Document science and documentation support of management] 1. Goals and objectives

Card file - a directory that contains information about the content of documents on cards. Cards are placed in file cabinets depending on the needs of the organization for information. As the practice of the work of the archives of organizations shows, the most used is information on the content of organizational and administrative documents(orders for core activities, protocols, contracts, agreements, letters, etc.).

Depending on the tasks of using documents, subject and subject-thematic file cabinets can be created.

In the subject card index, cards are grouped alphabetically by concepts (for example, for orders - alphabetically by the names of areas of activity: corporatization, production, marketing, labor protection; for letters - alphabetically by the names of correspondent organizations, etc.)

It is advisable to create file cabinets for personnel to search for information about seniority, salary and other data of a social and legal nature.

The cards must contain the surname, name, patronymic of the employee of the organization and search data (number of the fund, inventory, case and sheets) of documents that contain information about him. Cards are systematized by surnames in alphabetical order within the same surnames in alphabetical order of names and patronymics.

When creating and using automated systems for searching documents and files in the archives of organizations, the traditional rules for registering and recording documents and files, both at the stage of office work and in the archive, should be used in the development of computer programs.

Such continuity will facilitate the transition of work in archiving to a new technical level.

Historical information occupies a special place among archival reference books. The certificate is drawn up at the first receipt of the documents of the fund in the archive of the organization. Subsequently, after 5-7 years, it is advisable to draw up an addition to the historical background.

The historical information is compiled and signed by the head of the archive. In organizations with a small volume of cases generated per year, a historical note can be replaced by a preface to an inventory of permanent storage cases.

The historical background consists of three sections:

1. history of the founder;

2. history of the fund;

3. characteristics of the fund's documents.

The first section - the history of the founder, (in chronological order) contains the following information:

1. dates, numbers and headings of administrative documents on the creation, transformation and liquidation of the organization;

2. deadlines for the activities of the organization;

3. changes in the name and activities of the organization;

4. tasks and functions of the organization and their changes;

5. the scale of the organization's activities and its place in the system of the state apparatus, industry;

6. the structure of the organization and its changes (with dates).

The second section, the history of the fund, contains the following information:

1. The number of cases in the fund and the deadlines for the cases of the fund;

2. the composition of the documents of the fund and the deadlines for each group;

3. time of receipt of the fund in the archive of the organization;

4. the degree of safety of documents;

5. changes in the composition and scope of the fund's documents;

6. an indication (if the organization transfers documents for state storage) of the date and place of transfer of cases for state storage (name of the state archive; fund number assigned by the state archive, reference to the act of acceptance and transfer of cases, its date and number).

The third section - characteristics of the documents of the fund, contains a listing of the types of scientific and reference apparatus for the fund.

In the third section, a description of the documents of the fund, they list:

1. main types of documents;

2. indicate the features of documentation in this organization;

3. give general information about the use of documents (the main content and number of certificates of a social and legal nature, the selection and issuance of documents to structural divisions, etc.

The certificate is printed on the general letterhead of the organization in 4 copies (3 copies are intended for the state archive and are transferred along with the inventories when receiving and transferring cases.

The system of scientific reference apparatus for archival documents

The system of scientific reference apparatus for archival documents of the archive is a complex of interrelated and complementary archival reference books on the composition and content of archival documents created on a single methodological basis for searching archival documents and archival information for effective use.

Course work

The concept and structure of the scientific reference apparatus for documents of the archival fund of the Russian Federation


This research work is devoted to the study of the scientific reference apparatus in modern state archives.

The relevance of this work lies in the importance of the scientific reference apparatus for archival institutions and the correctness of its compilation, because without reference and search tools (ATS), the archive, from an ordered repository of documentary information, will turn into an “information dump”, in which it will be almost impossible to find the necessary data .

The object of the study is archiving

Subject of research - scientific reference apparatus

The purpose of this work: to study the system of scientific and reference apparatus to the documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

.Define the concept of "scientific reference apparatus"

.To study the principles of building a scientific reference apparatus

.To study the structure of the scientific reference apparatus

.To analyze the scientific reference apparatus in the archives that store documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation

1. Scientific reference apparatus: concept, principles of construction, structure

1.1 The concept and principles of building a scientific reference apparatus

System of reference and search tools (system of scientific reference apparatus) to archive documentsis a set of interrelated and complementary archival reference books on the composition and content of archival documents created on a single methodological basis for searching archival documents and archival information for the effective use

Archival directories are traditional, i.e. on paper, and automated, i.e. implemented with the help of computers. The main purpose of archival directories is the prompt search for the necessary documentary information.

Creation of a scientific reference apparatus for archival documents - activities to provide documentary information to citizens, legal entities and other consumers of information.

When working with information, it is necessary to distinguish between primary sources and secondary documentary information.

Primary documentary information - archival documents containing information about objective phenomena and human mental activity.

Secondary documentary information is "information about information", that is, information containing descriptive information about the primary source.

Archival directories and primary documentary information, that is, documents, in total constitute the archival information environment.

Archival directories are divided into mandatory and optional. Mandatory archival directories are available in every state and municipal archive. These include case histories, catalogs and guides. Additional archives are created as needed, which is determined by the specifics of a particular archival institution, or are formed historically. These include document overviews, indexes, subject lists and databases.

The system of the scientific reference apparatus of each federal archive was presented in detail in the publication "The Federal Archives of Russia and their scientific reference apparatus". The uniqueness of this reference book lies in the fact that for the first time in the history of domestic archiving, data on the main elements of the reference apparatus of each federal archive are brought together.

.2 Principles of building a system of scientific reference apparatus

The basic principles of building a system of scientific reference apparatus:

.Interrelation and complementarity of archival directories describing primary documentary information

.Avoiding duplication of information in various archival directories

.Continuity of the system of scientific reference apparatus (RSA) of organizations with the SSA of archival institutions

The continuity of the scientific reference apparatus of organizations and archival institutions is achieved by the unity of the requirements and principles of construction. This condition presupposes the obligatory compilation in the office work of organizations of inventories of cases and a scientific reference apparatus for them. Forms of inventories approved by the expert commission of archival institutions are stored in the archive as control copies until the documents are transferred by the organization for permanent storage. After the receipt of documents for permanent storage, the inventories become part of the scientific and reference apparatus of the archive.

Various means of the scientific and reference apparatus of the archive of the organization are accepted into the archive as independent units, or are integrated into the corresponding sections of the catalogs.

Compliance with the first two principles is necessary for the efficiency of search and reduction of labor costs of archivists for duplication of information.

If the principle of interconnection and complementarity is observed when creating descriptions of documents and their catalogs, then the researcher, having familiarized himself with the inventory of cases and writing out the necessary numbers of storage units from it, can refer to the corresponding sections of the catalog for a more detailed search. In the catalog, the researcher will be able to find the names of storage units, case titles, and more detailed information.

The third principle is no less important for the organization of the search. It means that when creating all types of archival directories in organizations, state and municipal archives, uniform requirements and uniform methods will be presented. So, the correctness of registration of inventories of cases in the organization is controlled by the archive of the organization. Summary inventories (annual sections) of inventories of documents of cases of permanent storage are coordinated and approved by state and municipal archives. It is also important to exercise control over other means of the scientific reference apparatus. Each archival directory of the organization must be compiled in accordance with the rules of work of state, municipal archives and archives of organizations.

2 The structure of the scientific reference apparatus

2.1 Case summaries

Description of cases, documents- an archival directory designed to disclose the composition and content of storage units / accounting units, fixing from intra-stock systematization and accounting; consists of descriptive articles of storage units / accounting units, a final record, a certification sheet and a reference apparatus for the inventory

The description performs three main functions:

· Informational (discloses the composition and content of documents)

· Accounting (registers documents)

· Classification (classifies documents)

The information function is implemented as follows: when compiling an inventory of cases and entering document titles into it, which provide information about the type and content of the document. A properly executed inventory of cases allows you to obtain information about the composition of the documents of the fund.

The accounting function is implemented when numbering documents and specifying the number of documents in the inventory. This ensures the safety of documents, allows you to track changes in the volume of the fund and facilitates the prompt search for the desired document.

The classification function consists in the most rational arrangement of affairs within the fund. Under the classification in this case refers to the grouping of documents in accordance with the structure of the fund creator or the main issues of its activities.

There are three types of inventories: an internal inventory, an inventory of a structural unit (delivery), a summary inventory of the fund's affairs.

The internal inventory is designed to record cases of permanent and temporary (over 10 years) storage, the accounting of which is caused by the specifics of this documentation (especially valuable, personal, judicial, investigative files, etc.), as well as for cases consisting of such types of documents, whose headings do not contain information about their content.

Inventories of structural divisions (delivery) and summary inventories are compiled according to the same methodology. They are compiled to describe the following types of cases:

· temporary storage (for example, 5 years and more, 10 years and more, more than 10 years (at the discretion of the organization);

· by personnel.

Consider the methodology for compiling an inventory of permanent storage cases.

The inventory consists of two parts: the inventory itself and the reference apparatus for it. The inventory, as a rule, is compiled in the organization. But in case of unsatisfactory quality of the inventory, it is re-compiled in the archival institution where it was transferred.

Drawing up an inventory includes the following types of work:

· description of cases;

· organization of documents and files within the archival fund (development of a classification scheme for the fund's files and classification of the fund's files);

· drawing up the actual inventory of documents;

· compilation of reference apparatus and registration of the inventory.

· The inventory of cases consists of descriptive data about each storage unit, which is a combination of the following elements:

· serial number;

· record keeping index

· the title of the case and, in some cases, the annotation of the document;

· deadlines for the documents in the case;

· the number of sheets in the file;

· notes.

Each element of the descriptive article corresponds to a column in the inventory sheet:

Column 1 - "Order number" - performs an accounting function, fixes the sequence of storage units in the inventory sheet. The number of the last storage unit indicates the number of cases in the inventory. The change in the number of cases should be reflected at the end of the inventory (in the "Final Record").

Column 2 - "Document number" - this is the number of the document assigned to it in the fund-creating organization when the document was still valid. Can be used as additional search information.

Column 3 - “Case Title” reflects the information function of the inventory, revealing the composition and content of the documents of each case.

In this column, the use of arbitrary abbreviations is not allowed, only those accepted and enshrined in the relevant documents. At the first mention of an organization, enterprise, institution, state body, and so on, the heading is written in full, and abbreviated in brackets. When mentioned further, the heading is abbreviated. For example: JSC "Russian railways"(OJSC "Russian Railways")".

Column 4 - "Deadline dates" - the dates of the beginning and end of the case. The month is usually written in words. The date is in the format day, month, year.

Column 5 - "Number of sheets" - the volume of the storage unit.

At the end of the inventory, a final entry is made, which indicates the following information: the number of storage units, the numbers of the first and last storage unit, the available numbering, letter numbers, retired storage units and the reasons for their disposal are specified.

A confirmation letter is attached to the end of the case. It indicates the number of bound and numbered sheets in the inventory, letter numbers, as well as information about missing numbers and features physical condition description sheets.

Methodology for compiling a reference apparatus for the inventory

After compiling the inventory itself, a reference apparatus is compiled for it, which performs two functions: accelerating the search for the inventory and providing additional information about the fund.

The composition of the reference apparatus for the inventory includes:

· title page;

Title page - contains the full name of the state archive, the full name of the fund with a listing of all its renames (in brackets), if any, the fund number, inventory number and inventory name are also indicated.

For example: see Appendix 2.

The preface includes the history of the fund-creating organization, the history of the fund, an annotation of the composition and content of the documents in the inventory and the composition of the reference apparatus for the inventory.

List of abbreviations - alphabetically sorted in the inventory, abbreviated words and abbreviations with the full name of the words. Abbreviations are used in the text to save space for frequently occurring words.

Generally accepted abbreviations that do not require special explanations (i.e., etc., etc., etc.), denoting the name of measures of mass, time, space, related to numbers or any names and not causing double interpretation (kg, min ., cm, m), as well as abbreviations of words included in colloquial and written speech, like such as trade union committee, are not included in the list of abbreviations. If, when compiling the inventory, abbreviations such as “r. - was born", "mind. - died", "p. - protocol", "m. - materials ”and the like, then it is necessary to recompile the inventory, and not include these words in the list of abbreviations.

The index to the inventory contains a list of concepts found in the inventory and the necessary explanations for them. Indexes can be nominal, subject, geographical and so on. Also, the index can be a separate additional reference and search tool.

For example, consider one of the inventories of the cases of the Russian State Historical Archive.

F. 13 Op. 3. 1798-1811, 53 items Logs of incoming and outgoing papers. Fund 13: Department of the Minister of Commerce (see Appendix 3)

This inventory begins with a title page and a translation table. The following is a list of cases, including serial number, record number, case title, deadlines, number of sheets and note. The certification inscription (certifier sheet) is drawn up on a separate witness sheet and filed at the end of the inventory.

This inventory was compiled correctly, however, since 1984, the year of its compilation, the form of the certification sheet has changed (given in Appendix 9 of the Basic Rules for the Operation of Archives of Organizations approved by the decision of the Collegium of the Federal Archives of February 06, 2002).

2.2 Directory system in the archive

The storage system of archival documents at the fund level is fixed by an inventory, but this is not enough to search for documentary information. Often, search queries are formed according to such criteria as an object, question, topic, or some kind of event. To satisfy search queries of this type, archival catalogs are compiled in which information is grouped by subject (topics, industries). This tool of the scientific reference apparatus of the archive allows researchers to carry out a multifaceted search for documentary information.

Archive directory- archival directory, in which information about archival documents is located in accordance with the selected classification scheme

Cit. According to E.M. Drilling: “The system of catalogs in domestic archives began to take shape in the early 60s. 20th century Over the past period, state archives have accumulated considerable experience in creating and maintaining various types of catalogs. However, the "mass" cataloging, carried out in the 70-80s. 20th century in domestic archives led to the fact that in the traditional form the catalogs contained millions of cards, but the efficiency of their use was low. This is due to a number of factors: firstly, the traditional form of searching information in the catalog; secondly, their “non-public” nature, i.e. only archive staff served the researchers' requests. All this led to the 90s. 20th century to the suspension of the cataloging of documentary information.

In contrast to the catalog catalogue:

)It covers most of the archive funds, since the structure of the catalog does not depend on the structure of storing documents in the archive, and reflects the classification of documents according to various criteria, while the inventory is compiled for documents of one archival fund or part of it;

)Provides more detailed information than the inventory, as it may include an excerpt from the document, and contain information from more than one case.

)It does not perform an accounting function and does not count the number of cases, its main function is to provide information retrieval.

)If each inventory is built on the basis of its own systematization scheme for the materials of this fund, then the catalog cards of all archive funds are ordered in accordance with a single scheme, the basics of which are common to all archives.

In the archives of organizations, instead of catalogs, file cabinets are used.

In office work, it is important to be able to quickly find one or another documentary information. For this purpose, registration and registration file cabinets of documents, file cabinets of letters and statements of citizens, etc. are maintained. It must be remembered that these file cabinets are not only of momentary importance: in the future, along with documents, they will have to go to the archive of the organization.

the process of preparing, compiling and maintaining archival catalogs is called the cataloging of archival documents:

Cataloging of archival documents- the process of preparing, compiling and maintaining archival catalogs

Cataloging includes the following types of work:

· defining the type of directory;

· development of a classification scheme for documentary information in the catalog;

· identification and selection of documentary information for cataloging;

· description of documentary information on catalog cards;

· indexing index cards;

· organizing cards and maintaining a catalog

Specifying the type of directory. The type of catalog depends on the content of the documents and the presence of other catalogs in the archive.

When determining the composition of the catalogs of a particular state or municipal archive, the following are taken into account: the rank and profile of the archive; structure, composition and content of archive funds; the degree of development of funds; the intensity and objectives of the use of documents; availability and quality level of other types of archival directories; material and technical capabilities of the archive.

By structure, directories are divided into logical and alphabetical.

The logical structure involves the method of deduction, that is, the search for information from the general to the particular.

The catalogs of the logical structure are divided into systematic, thematic and their varieties (the catalog on the history of institutions and the catalog on the history of administrative-territorial division) and chronological, and the catalogs of the alphabetic structure are divided into subject and their varieties, nominal and geographical.

Systematic catalogs are widely used in state and municipal archives.

The structure of archive catalogs is presented in Appendix 4.

Development of a classification scheme for documentary information in directories. Cit. according to E.M. Burova "Archivalistics: Theory and Methods": "Scientific development of the problem of classification of archival documentary information, which is closely related to the development general theory classification dates back to the beginning of the 19th century, at the time of the folding of the subject area of ​​archiving, the system of archives, the separation of archives into an independent area of ​​public administration, when classification schemes began to be developed in areas related to archiving - documentation and source studies.

As a result of theoretical studies, the main types of classification of documentary information reflected in reference and information tools were identified: structural, subject-thematic, typological, which are based on structural element(structure), subject (theme) or characteristic (inherent this object or parts thereof) is a typical feature. The first two types of classification determine the specifics of NSA archives, both traditional and automated.

Theoretical achievements of domestic archival science in the field of classification in the 70-80s. were implemented in the development of the Schemes for the Unified Classification of Documentary Information (SEC) in 1978, 1983, as well as the Rubricators and Thesauri of the ASNTI according to the documents of the GAF of the USSR, later - the Unified Classifier of Documentary Information of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation (ECDI) in 2007.

When developing the ECDI AF RF, the systemic changes that have occurred in almost all spheres of life in the Russian Federation were taken into account: a new political and state structure, changing forms of ownership and much more, which is reflected in the documents, information about which should be included in the catalogs. It is important to note that the ECDI AF RF at a new methodological level develops the approaches to cataloging laid down in the SEC (M., 1978; M., 1983)"

Description of document information on catalog cards - creation of an archival card containing secondary information about the document.

catalog card- a card included in the card catalog and containing information corresponding to the tasks and topics of the archive catalog

The catalog card has an established form and includes the following elements:

· classification (index, heading, subheading, date and place of the event);

· informational (document content);

· search engines (name of the archive, name of the fund, N of the fund, N of the inventory, N of the file, sheets);

· external (document language and reproduction method);

· control (position and signature of the compiler, date of drawing up the card).

Indexing secondary document information is of particular importance when creating a catalog card.

Indexing- selection and / or compilation of an index (indexes) based on a system of indexes and its / their affixing on documents, files, index cards

Index - symbol(letter, number) or a combination of such characters used in the ILP, AIPS, and in traditional IPS assigned to the corresponding classification divisions of the document classification scheme (documentary information) and affixed to catalog cards (classification index)

In general, the index is symbol in the classification system.

Systematization of cards and maintenance of the catalog. Indexed cards must be systematized before being introduced into the catalog. Indexes are systematized in the order of digits.

For example: see Appendix 5.

Cards with the same indexes are systematized according to the headings and subheadings indicated on the cards. The location of the cards themselves already at the level of subheadings is made according to a logical principle - from the highest to the lowest, from the general to the particular.

According to the prevailing domestic theory and methodology of archiving practice, archival catalogs are traditionally classified as mandatory for archiving. (Rules for the organization of storage, acquisition, accounting and use of documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation and other archival documents in state and municipal, archives, museums and libraries, organizations Russian Academy Sciences (hereinafter - the Rules of 2007) (p. 95).)

Until now, this paper has considered only the traditional means of the scientific reference apparatus. Scientific and technological progress, the development of IT have affected archiving, in particular, the scientific reference apparatus. Reference and search tools in the archives are gradually beginning to be duplicated in in electronic format. This allows you to quickly and, importantly, remotely, find the necessary archival documents.

Let's try to find using this system. archival funds about, for example, engineering design bureaus. Having entered the necessary query on the main page in the search bar, click on the "search" button. The search results page displays information about the funds found and the belonging of each fund to a particular archive. The process of working with this system is shown in Appendix 7. Having opened the first search result in the list, we obtain the following data: fund number, fund name, deadlines, annotation and historical background (Appendix 8)

On the this moment The system proves to be effective, it is constantly completed and improved.

In this work, we will also consider electronic system catalogs in the Russian State Historical Archive. Its peculiarity lies in the division of the catalog into nominal, geographic and subject.

In the nominal catalog (Appendix 9), information is classified by the names of the persons who are the authors of the documents. The peculiarity of the electronic nominal catalog in the Russian State Historical Archive is that the document referred to by the index does not contain biographical materials, and the person who served as the basis for the search is only mentioned in the text of the document.

In the geographic catalog, information is classified alphabetically by geographical and topographic objects (Appendix 10).

In the subject catalog information is classified according to the topic of the document, according to its title (Appendix 11).

Launched in test mode, the electronic catalog of the Russian State Historical Archive seems to be a convenient search tool. However, it should be understood that this catalog provides information on only 2.5% of archival materials stored in the RGIA. The presented system is the first steps towards the creation of a full-fledged electronic catalog.

2.3 Guides

Guidebooks are mandatory archival reference books

Guide to the (Archival) Collections of the Archive- an archival directory containing in a systematic manner characteristics or brief information about archival funds and intended to familiarize yourself with its composition and content

Guide- a printed publication, the purpose of which is to give users an idea of ​​the composition of the funds of a particular archive.

Types of guides:

· stock guide;

· a brief guide to the funds of the archive (archives);

· thematic guide to the funds of the archive (archives).

Guides are also subdivided into archival (intraarchival) and interarchival.

stock guide- a printed publication containing brief information about the archive funds in a systematic manner and serves to familiarize oneself with the contents of the archive.

Brief guide to archive holdings- a guide containing a list of archive funds. In turn, brief reference books on archives are divided into annotated and non-annotated. The annotated ones contain information about the funds in a systematic manner, indicating all the renaming of the founders, it is also provided short information about the content of the documents. Unannotated short guides to the archive collections contain only a list of collections and background information by them.

Thematic guide to the archive collections- a guide that contains information about the funds corresponding to a specific topic.

All of the above types of guides can be created both for a single archive and for a group of archives.

The guidebook consists of the actual guidebook and reference apparatus to it.

The guide itself or, as it is also called, the characteristics of the funds contains the following mandatory information: the name of the fund, reference data about it, the history of the fund-creating organization (for a fund of personal origin - basic biographical information about the person), information about the composition and content of the fund documents. It may also contain a bibliographic list of the fund.

The name of the foundation is an obligatory element of the guide, which can provide information about:

· belonging of the fund to a certain historical era;

· the name of the founder and his place in the system of public authorities, organizations, etc.;

· scale of activities of the fund-maker;

· its whereabouts.

Reference data about the fund is the number of the fund.

Historical information gives an idea of ​​the activities of the fund creator, his place in the system of public authorities, organizations, enterprises, etc., the period and scale of his activities.

Historical information for funds of personal origin contains biographical data about the founder: his last name, first name, patronymic, period of life, place of birth, death, personal life, activities, etc.

Annotation of the composition and content of documents - a brief description of the composition and content of documents.

The scientific and reference apparatus for the guide includes the following elements: title page, content (table of contents), preface, list of abbreviations, appendices, indexes.

The title page is part of the design of the guide (do not forget that we are talking about the printed edition) and gives information about the name of the archive, its jurisdiction and place in the system of archival authorities of the Russian Federation. It also indicates information about the place and time of publication.

The preface provides Short story archive, to the documents of which a guidebook has been compiled.

The list of abbreviations, appendices and indexes carry the same functions as in the inventory of cases. The methodology for compiling them is similar to the methodology for compiling these elements for the scientific reference apparatus of the inventory.

The appendices may include data on liquidated, transferred to other archives and joint funds, as well as on the composition of the scientific reference apparatus of the archive.

With development information technologies the inextricable link between the archival guide and the printed edition is beginning to fade. There are archival guides in electronic form. For example, on the website of the Russian State Archive of Literature and Art (RGALI) there is an electronic guide to collections, available at the following link: #"justify"> 2.4 Additional reference and search tools

Additional directories of the ATP system can be created in the archive - reviews, indexes, thematic card indexes and thematic lists of documents and cases, annotated registers of inventories.

Document Reviews

The review as a type of archival reference book belongs to the group of additional reference and search tools of the archive, but, like the guidebook, it is intended for publication in order to inform users about the composition and content of the documents of the fund or different funds, but on one topic:

Overview of archival documents- type of archival directory, including systematized information about the composition and content of individual complexes of archival documents, supplemented in necessary cases source analysis of these documents

The expediency of compiling reviews is determined by the relevance and significance of the problem to which it is devoted, the degree of its study, as well as the novelty of the documents included in the review.

Compilation and publication (replication) of reviews is recommended in the following cases: when the volume of the fund is large and it contains many cases of the same type in content, or, conversely, many cases with complex, multi-subject content, for example: protocols, correspondence on several unrelated questions among themselves. In this situation, it is advisable to issue reviews of archival funds, where the content of multi-subject cases can be logically divided and classified into homogeneous groups. Reviews can also be made on documents entered into inventories without a strict system or logical connection, or when documents are scattered across different inventories. The noted shortcomings are easier to eliminate by compiling reviews, rather than rewriting inventories.

The experience of preparing reviews shows that they can be published both in the form of independent publications and as separate articles in periodicals and ongoing publications, which is relevant for preparing reviews of archival documents in organizations.

For example, in the Russian State Military Historical Archive (RGVIA), reviews of documents are divided into stock and thematic:

Reviews of documents thematic:

· on the history of the socio-political movement;

· on the history of foreign countries and cities of Russia;

· on the history of architecture and urban planning;

· on the development of aviation;

· about Russia's cultural and economic ties with other countries;

· about the development of Russian military-theoretical thought;

· about the life and work of prominent people of Russia;

· about mineral deposits, etc.

Reviews of stock documents:

· Military Field Office of H.I.V. (F. 26);

· Ivangorod fortress (F. 13133);

· Secret letter of the Military Collegium (F. 20);

· Cabinet of the Minister of War (F. 366);

· Office of the Military Commissar of the Provisional Government at Headquarters (F. 2015);

· Voronov P.N., lieutenant general, military historian, editor of the journal "Russian Antiquity", (F. 252), etc.


Indexes can be independent archival directories in the archive or an element of the reference apparatus of other archival directories:

Index (archived)- archival directory containing a systematic list of names of objects or objects, which contain information in archival documents, indicating their search data

The methodology for compiling the index as an element of the reference apparatus was considered using the example of an inventory of documents and cases.

Pointers are most often included in guidebooks. However, with the development of information technology, indexes are becoming a popular search tool on the websites of Russian archives.

For example, on the site there is an index of founders in the archives of Russia (Appendix 12)

When you click on the link to the desired fund creator, you go to the search result window, which provides information about the fund creator, its reference data, section and directory, which contains information about the desired fund creator (Appendix 13)

Thus, in this case, the archival index is inextricably linked with the archival directory (guidebook).

As an additional archival reference book, thematic lists of documents and cases can be compiled:

Thematic list of documents- a type of archive information document containing a list of titles of cases or documents on a specific topic, indicating their dates and search data

Lists of documents are compiled on the most relevant, popular, and little-studied topics to inform a wide range of researchers, document publishers, archivists, journalists and other specialists.

With the development of information technology, thematic lists often take on an electronic form and are posted on the websites of the respective archives. For example, the thematic lists of the Russian State Historical Archive (RGAI) (Appendix 14)

Bases data

Along with the list of documents, state, municipal and departmental archives are actively developing databases and posting them on their official websites, which makes it possible to quickly and comprehensively search and present documentary information in remote access mode.

As part of this work, the databases hosted on the websites of the state archives of the Russian Federation were repeatedly considered in the form of archival catalogs, indexes and thematic lists. Nevertheless, databases can be singled out as a separate type of reference and search tool that allows for a multifaceted search in archival funds.

A striking example of a database and a search system for it is the service hosted on the official website of the Russian State Archive of Literature and Art (RGALI).


Scientific and reference apparatus for documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation has great importance for a wide range of consumers of documentary information. Within this research work we looked at how the scientific and reference apparatus of archives is created and functions.

The purpose of the course work, namely the study of the system of scientific reference apparatus to the documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation, has been achieved.

In the process of achieving the goal, we solved the following tasks:

We defined the concept of "scientific reference apparatus", which is given in the Rules for organizing the storage, acquisition, accounting and use of documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation and other archival documents in state and municipal archives, museums and libraries, organizations of the Russian Academy of Sciences (- M., 2007 ).

We studied the principles of building a scientific reference apparatus and their influence on the structure and functioning of archival reference books.

We studied all the mandatory and additional reference and search tools, as well as the methodology for their compilation.

We analyzed the scientific reference apparatus in the archives that store documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation. Solving this problem, we took the path of studying the electronic scientific reference apparatus posted on the websites of state archives, as well as on the website of the Federal Archival Agency.

In the archival institutions of Russia, the scientific reference apparatus is mostly presented in the traditional form. That is, in order to obtain documentary information, it is necessary to come to the archive, and already with the help of reference and search tools presented on paper, find the necessary information.

The archival industry in Russia is currently following the path of informatization, translation, duplication of documentary information on traditional media into electronic form, whether it is digitization of film and photo documents, or scanning paper documents. However, the current level of informatization of archival institutions leaves much to be desired. This problem is solved at the highest state level. In 2011, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 15, 2014 No. 313 approved the state program of the Russian Federation "Information Society (2011-2020)", one of the goals of which is the transition to paperless storage of documents. However, for the complete conversion of archival documents and archival directories into electronic form, it is necessary to allocate the necessary resources, including equipment, which in modern conditions becomes outdated very quickly, as well as to solve the problem of storing archival documents in electronic form, but this is a separate topic for research.

Sources and literature

reference search archive directory

1.Federal Law "On Archiving in the Russian Federation". Federal Law No. 125 of October 22, 2004

2.Rules for the organization of storage, acquisition, accounting and use of documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation and other archival documents in state and municipal archives, museums and libraries, organizations of the Russian Academy of Sciences (- M., 2007).

.GOST R 51141-98 “Office work and archiving. Terms and Definitions".

4.Basic rules for the work of archives of organizations. M.: VNIIDAD, 2002

.Compilation of archival inventories: Methodical recommendations. - M., 2003.

.Unified classifier of documentary information of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation. - M., 2007.

.Archiving: textbook / E.V. Alekseeva, L.P. Afanasiev, E.M. drilling; ed. V.P. Kozlov. - M. 2007.